Articles and resources for pastors by Bishop Freddie Steel, Founding and Senior Pastor of the growing, multicultural LIFE Church of Chicagoland - affiliated with the Church of God (TN).
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Six Ways Churches Reverse A Decline -
Six Ways Churches Reverse a Decline
1. They Enter a Time of Corporate Prayer and Fasting.
Sometimes the period is a short duration, such as 24 hours. But in that time, many members of the body agree to pray and fast to seek God's face for His will for His church. In some churches the number of members who participate is relatively small compared to the whole membership. In other situations, a large number may participate. In each case, those who do pray and fast understand that only God can ultimately give the increase to a congregation.
2. They Start New Groups.
Churches that start new small groups, new Sunday school classes, new home groups, new discipleship groups, and a plethora of other possible groups often experience turnaround growth. More often than not, the approach to starting these groups is more strategic than haphazard, and more intentional than incidental.
3. They Start New Worship Services.
These worship services may be on Sunday morning, but they could be on other days and times as well. They could be new campuses or new venues. Like those that start new groups, many of the breakout churches strategically and intentionally make the starting of new worship services a vital part of the present and future of the congregation.
4. They Emphasize the Power of Inviting.
The pastor emphasizes it from the pulpit. Printed and web information constantly reminds members to invite others. The leadership of the church seeks to make the act of inviting others part of the DNA of the congregation.
5. They Emphasize the Importance of Groups Growing.
Not only do breakout churches place a high priority of creating new groups, they often emphasize the importance of the groups themselves growing. Leaders attempt to instill a Great Commission mindset not only for the church as a whole, but also for each group individually.
6. They Truly Serve the Community.
Many churches break their cycles of decline or plateau by providing means for members to serve the community. This service is far more than inviting persons to come to the church facilities. It involves such activities as painting public school classrooms, resourcing indigent school children, providing free refreshments at community events, and being a force for mobilization to meet needs expressed by community leaders.
These six breakout suggestions are not some quick-fix formula to reverse decline. Inherent in each of them are changes in mindsets and attitudes. Some churches have succeeded by implementing only one of them. Others have successfully done all of them and even more.
Indeed you can help both the readers and me by sharing other breakout approaches your church has used. Your response may very well make the difference in the life of a church and thus the lives of many people.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Taxpayer-Funded Abortion Finds Room on Dem Platform
This is a very insightful, enlightening article based on solid facts and accurate history records.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Giving Up?! Good!
Monday, July 23, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
Friday, July 13, 2012
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Friday, July 6, 2012
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Friday, June 15, 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
EU to Limit ATM Withdrawals
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Saturday, June 9, 2012
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Monday, June 4, 2012
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Euro Break-Up Possible
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Friday, June 1, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Americans Distrusting Banks
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Russian Strike Possible
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Reserves Called Up
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End of World?!
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Friday, April 20, 2012
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Iran’s Planned Àttack
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Sunday, March 25, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
High Pollen!
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Mysterious Booms
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Coup Report
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Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Prayer and Relief Much Needed!
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Monday, March 19, 2012
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
Sermons from my 11th Great Grandfather, Rev. Edwin Sandys, Archbishop of York.
Check out "The sermons of Edwin Sandys ..." at
Monday, March 5, 2012
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Leaders are Discovered in the Kitchen
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Tolerating the Bitter Thing Rather Than Doing The Hard Thing
I am home, doing some house cleaning before Mary Gaye, my wife, gets home tonight from music and choir rehearsal - usually around 10:30.
While cleaning, I was praying for the Church Family individually and corporately. I heard the Spirit of the Lord speak to my heart that I was to stop, write this and tell you that you must be willing to do the hard thing rather than tolerating the bitter thing. Here's what that means.
You can wake up in a different world tomorrow, regardless the circumstances surrounding your plight. You can draw God, by His Spirit, into your situation and His Presence will transform and this is how.
First, ingratitude blinds ones eyes to all of the good God has sent our way and perpetuates a dissatisfaction that nothing or no one could fill and fulfill as long as gratitude is absent. I pray that our Church, LIFE Church of Chicagoland, has a 'Revival of Gratitude' that will lead to the next step that also helps to transform your day - immediately.
That Second issue is 'Praise' and that is the hard thing. As long as your mind is overworked with 'What ifs' and your mouth and lips are closed and withholding Praise that is already past due to God (even if He doesn't do one more thing
for us He is worthy of constant praise), the enemy will continue to cloak your mind, your emotions, your home, your workplace, wherever you are with a spirit of heaviness because we have left that gateway into our life unattended.
God comes in and out of every situation via Praise. Can I implore you to find a spot daily where you can get alone with God and let the High Praises of God be released along with gratitude for every good and perfect gift He has sent your
way, especially that of His Son and Salvation.
Find a good, faith-building music source such as a CD, Internet radio, etc. and use that as a catalyst to help set the atmosphere. The anointing on recordings can actually be stirred as you are listening. The messages in the music can cause you to either honor God with praise or build your faith and lift you above the shadows.
Praise Him until all of your emotions rise to the surface - usually in tears. I have 'crawled' to the quiet place with God more than once, feeling that I could not make another step and would begin this process. Usually, God will highlight one song that reaches deep into my soul and touches that pain, the hurt, the bitterness, sorrow or hopelessness and the emotions begin to rise. I have cried gutterall, bitter tears many, many times as I employ this strategy and discipline. Eventually, the bitter tears turn to relief and tears of joy begin to flow and the joy of the Lord that the enemy tried to steal begins to flow again and I feel the Strength of God flow into my heart, mind, perspective. I step back into my circumstances assured by the life-changing power and Presence of God.
Have you been tolerating the bitter things and neglecting to do that 'hard thing?' It will take a push to push through the resistance the enemy has set up against you. But, you were created to be a praiser and a worshiper. That is our occupation and preoccupation. Turn that music up and walk through your home with hands lifted declaring the Promises of God and declaring His authority and Lordship over your life, mind, emotions and circumstances.
Drive the enemy and the darkness from your surroundings! God inhabits the praises of His people! Have an eviction notice party of praise and praise until you know the breakthrough has come! Then, praise Him some more.
Wake up tomorrow and start by thanking God for that cup of coffee, for running water, for eye sight, for another day. Take EVERYthing that you have been fretting over or complaining about and make them objects of praise whether it is your job, children or your future and thank God that they are all secure by His Promises.
Tomorrow, YOU can walk into an entirely different day even if circumstances do not change by doing the hard thing and refusing to tolerate the bitter things.
All our love!
Pastors Freddie and Mary Gaye
Thursday, February 2, 2012
I Met With Jesus A While Today . . .
hour and a half after service had ended.
We went into the Sanctuary to close up and I saw a tall, young man about 6' 4" come in the large foyer, dressed
in all black , cutoffs, black toboggan and tattoos on his face. His appearance was ominous-looking.
I ran to the back to greet him and with head bowed he said 'I need some place to stay tonight. I'm homeless.'
Usually when someone has learned to work benevolence systems, they will have a prepared a line and some
story that too often are cover ups rather than genuine needs. Sorry, that's just what has happened over the years.
Mike, that's his name, was different. No lines. No stories. Just, 'I need some place to stay tonight. I'm homeless. '
I brought him into the office, telling him we will find something for him. He wasn't talkative at all. I knew the police
would come and give him a ride to a shelter since it was so cold but didn't want to treat him that way. I found a
place for him and got it arranged.
While making the calls, I began to talk to gather a sense of Mike's plight . The last person who really seemed to
care about him had died about a year earlier - his Dad. He told me how it happened - a heart attack in front of
him. He told me that he didn't do drugs or alcohol (and I believe that) but did battle depression. I tried to tell him
that it would get better but there was simply no framework in his mind or emotions to believe.
I called Palos Police and not being sure whether they would be able to help or not, Mary Gaye and I ordered a
taxi for him from Jesse Ryan's 5-Star Taxi and paid for it. The police officer got out and instead of reacting to
his appearance, he told Mike how much he like his tattoos. I could have cried. Mike was actually being treated
with dignity since the time he stepped on our property and this outstanding Palos Police Officer did more of the
same and treated him with such dignity and concern. I was blown away and touched deeply by the officer's
Mike came back inside to wait and I got him a seat and Mary Gaye and I listened to more of his story. Mike said
that people don't like to talk to him because of the tattoos on his face. We told him they didn't matter to us and that
we kind of liked them. Mary Gaye is a very classy Lady and I am so, so proud of the love, care, concern and
patience she showed Mike, not being taken aback by his appearance, etc., but reached out to say she really cared.
We were both moved as we heard his story. I told Him that He was important and mattered and that I would take as
much time with him to try to show him that he mattered to us and to God. I asked Him what He thought God thought
of him and he said that he didn't think God thought much of Him, someone who had not been in Church since a child.
I assured Mike that if Jesus was walking in the flesh today that He definitely wouldn't be visiting any of our Churches
but would be hanging out (according to what the Bible says) at the bar, homeless shelters and similar hangouts and
would enjoy hanging with him. He couldn't believe it. I told him that Jesus gets disgusted at our Churches haughty,
snotty self-righteousness that tried to tell people that some are better or more important than others. I told Mike that
I had preached to a house full of people earlier today but that the time I was spending with Him was equally important
to God and to me.
I gave Mike my cell number and asked him to promise to call me and give me an update. My hopes are that he will
contact me and that maybe I can love Jesus more by helping Mike. Remember, Jesus said that in as much as you
do it unto the least of these (and Mike is no wise least in my sight), you did it unto Me.
God bless the Palos Police Officer that responded and treated Mike with such dignity. As the Bible says, they
really are 'servants of God.'
Pray for Mike.